Analyst Sowings
Harvested area
Yield Production Consumption Trade/exports Balance Carryout stocks
Date of estimate
USDA Wasde 145.715 2.94 428.725 402.841 181.211 134.304 August 12 2024
USDA Wasde 143.351 2.94 421.854 401.539 180.200 127.762 July 12 2024
IGC 414.9 404.3 174.6 78.7 June 27 2024
Oil World 416.5 397.5 118.8 June 14 2024
USDA Wasde 143.388 2.95 422.262 401.633 180.200 127.896 June 12 2024
IGC 414.4 404.5 172.2 78.1 May 23 2024
USDA Wasde 143.388 2.95 422.262 401.744 180.200 128.496 May 10 2024
IGC 412.8 404.2 172.2 74.9 March 14 2024
Rabobank 141.607 2.90 410.909 393.686 172.288  +14.295 123.999 November 15 2023
Area data in million hectares, yield in tonnes per hectare, with other data in million tonnes. Area data reported in sowings column, unless specified as “harvested area”