The US Department of Agriculture will on Friday reveal keenly-anticipated data on US farmers’ crop sowings, as well as a much-watched report on quarterly US grain stocks.

Below expectations of what investors, as polled by Reuters, expect the reports to show.


Estimates for USDA data on US crop sowings, 2023
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts USDA March estimate USDA estimate for last year
Barley 2.370 2.300-2.400 2.318 2.555
Corn 90.353 89.000-91.300 90.036 94.641
Cotton 10.829 10.500-11.200 10.673 10.230
Oats 2.627 2.540-2.800 2.566 3.101
Rice 2.941 2.850-3.100 2.932 2.89
Soybeans 86.753 85.500-87.500 86.510 83.600
Sorghum 6.554 6.400-6.900 6.395 7.195
All wheat 47.657 47.100-49.000 47.498 49.575
Of which winter wheat 34.197 34.000-35.281 34.135 36.699
Durum 1.998 1.900-2.100 2.028 1.676
Other spring 11.340 10.180-11.700 11.335 11.200
All data in million acres



Estimates for USDA data on US grain inventories, as of June 1
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts Stocks as of June 1 2023
Corn 4.873 4.675-5.013 4.103
Soybeans 0.962 0.861-1.015 0.796
All wheat 0.684 0.644-0.705 0.570
Area data in billion bushels