The latest update from GrainPriceNews on how managed money has been flowing in an out of futures and options in the major US-traded agricultural commodity contracts.

For the previous week’s data, click here.

* = record high or low on data going back to 2006

Contract Net position
Change on week
Soymeal 65,816 +6,140
Soybeans 13,981 +13,452
Wheat – hard red winter 7,106 -2,522
Soyoil -18,306 +19,143
Corn -44,492 +6,573
Wheat – soft red winter -119,474 +7,524
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Live cattle 114,637 +6,802
Feeder cattle 18,070 +638
Lean hogs -16,173 +14,937
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Raw sugar 195,127 -9,545
Cocoa 57,901 +5,445
Coffee (arabica) 23,990 +5,097
Cotton 4,070 +2,560
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Sector Net position
Change on week
Softs 281,088 +3,557
Livestock 116,534 +22,377
Grains -95,369 +50,310
Total 302,253 +76,244
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short