For Brazil soybean estimates for 2022-23, click here.

For Brazil corn estimates for 2022-23, click here.

For Brazil soybean estimates for 2021-22, click here.

Analyst Sowings
Harvested area
Yield Production Crush Domestic use Exports Carryout stocks
Date of estimate
Oil World 48.2 47.9 164.00 42.00 August 30 2024
IGC 161.5 54.3 57.3 104.0 2.4 August 15 2024
USDA Wasde 47.300 3.57 169.000 54.000 58.100 105.000 33.869 August 12 2024
USDA Wasde 47.300 3.57 169.000 54.000 58.100 105.000 35.799 July 12 2024
USDA attache 46.300 3.456 160.000 55.300 59.000 99.000 5.848 July 1 2024
IGC 161.5 54.3 57.3 102.2 3.8 June 27 2024
Oil World 48.00 June 14 2024
USDA Wasde 47.300 3.57 169.000 54.000 58.100 105.000 36.619 June 12 2024
IGC 161.5 54.3 57.3 102.9 3.1 May 23 2024
USDA Wasde 47.300 3.57 169.000 54.000 58.100 105.000 37.469 May 10 2024
IGC 159.8 54.8 57.8 101.7 2.0 April 18 2024
USDA attache 45.650 45.650 3.450 157.500 55.000 58.700 99.000 2.216 March 22 2024
IGC 160.0 55.0 58.0 101.7 2.2 March 14 2024
Area data in million hectares, yield in tonnes per hectare, and other data in million tonnes. Area data reported just as “area” included in sowings column, unless specified as “harvested area”.

Large variation in stocks estimates reflects use of different marketing years. USDA attache uses a February-to-January period

*= for calendar 2024