The US Department of Agriculture will on Wednesday reveal the June edition of its monthly Wasde report, giving estimates for world ag supply and demand.

Below expectations of what investors, as polled by Reuters, expect the report to show.


Market expectations for USDA estimates of US grain stocks, close of  2023-24
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts USDA’s existing estimate
Corn 2,056 1,917-2,202 2,022
Soybeans 356 329-400 350
All data in million bushels


Market expectations for USDA forecasts for 2024 US corn, soybean production
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts USDA Outlook Forum USDA 2023-24
Corn yield 180.4 178.0-181.0 181.0 177.3
Corn production 15,016 14,770-15,232 14,860 15,342
Soybean yield 51.8 51.0-52.0 52.0 50.6
Soybean production 4,414 4,335-4,454 4,450 4,165
Yield data in bushels per acre. Production data in million bushels


Market expectations for USDA estimates of US grain stocks, close of 2024-25
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts USDA’s existing estimate
Corn 2,279 2,000-2,454 2,102
Soybeans 444 350-527 455
All wheat 787 750-863 758
All data in million bushels



Market expectations for USDA estimates of world grain stocks, close of 2024-25
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts USDA’s existing estimate
Corn 311.7 307.5-316.4 310.8
Soybeans 126.9 125.0-129.9 127.9
All wheat 252.3 250.0-255.5 252.3
All data in million tonnes


Market expectations for USDA estimates of US winter wheat harvest, 2024-25
Crop Mean forecast Range of forecasts USDA’s existing estimate
USDA’s 2023- 24 estimate
Hard red 743 694-793 726 601
Soft red 348 328-411 342 449
White 226 220-232 226 198
Total winter wheat 1,319 1,280-1,363 1,295 1,248
Durum 74 50-88 n/a 64
Other spring wheat 522 502-553 n/a 482
All wheat 1,912 1,865-1,999 1,875 1,812
All data in million bushels