The latest update from GrainPriceNews on how managed money has been flowing in an out of futures and options in the major US-traded agricultural commodity contracts.

For the previous week’s data, click here.

* = record high or low on data going back to 2006

Contract Net position
Change on week
Soymeal 62,262 +1,705
Soybeans 48,459 -7,914
Wheat – hard red winter 7,446 +12,910
Soyoil -13,484 +10,250
Corn -109,643 +8,503
Wheat – soft red winter -116,906 +9,418
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Live cattle 95,279 -12,272
Feeder cattle 12,366 -2,221
Lean hogs -17,670 -10,847
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Raw sugar 211,869 +4,069
Cocoa 51,003 +1,512
Coffee (arabica) 26,434 -5,572
Cotton -13,842 +8,046
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Sector Net position
Change on week
Softs 275,464 +8,055
Livestock 89,975 -25,340
Grains -121,866 +34,872
Total 243,573 +17,587
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short