The latest update from GrainPriceNews on how managed money has been flowing in an out of futures and options in the major US-traded agricultural commodity contracts.

* = record high or low on data going back to 2006

For the previous week’s data, click here.

Contract Net position
Change on week
Soybeans 99,522 -11,264
Soymeal 96,129 -19,085
Wheat – hard red winter 237 +8,999
Soyoil -12,459 -6,741
Corn -13,288 +28,608
Wheat – soft red winter -89,873 -3,373
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Live cattle 62,631 -1,118
Feeder cattle 6,687 -454
Lean hogs -22,483 -5,908
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Raw sugar 204,118 +12,086
Cocoa 51,125 +30,604*
Coffee (arabica) 12,033 -1,335
Cotton -23,475 +780
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Sector Net position
Change on week
Softs 243,801 +42,135
Grains 80,268 -2,856
Livestock 46,835 -7,480
Total 370,904 +31,799
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short