The weekly update from GrainPriceNews on how managed money has been flowing in an out of futures and options in the major US-traded agricultural commodity contracts.

The previous week’s data are available here.

Contract Net position
Change on week
Corn 142,062 +12,141
Soybeans 101,509 +2,038
Soymeal 84,382 +4,364
Soyoil 22,210 +69
Wheat – hard red winter 8,023 -1,969
Wheat – soft red winter -20,348 -5,378
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Lean hogs 65,153 +8,403
Live cattle 49,072 +11,068
Feeder cattle 479 +668
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Cotton 33,068 +1,239
Coffee (arabica) 21,272 +2,955
Raw sugar -22,066 +162
Cocoa -31,522 -138
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Sector Net position
Change on week
Grains 337,838 +11,265
Livestock 114,704 +20,139
Softs 752 +4,218
Total 453,294 +35,622
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short