The weekly update from GrainPriceNews on how managed money has been flowing in an out of futures and options in the major US-traded agricultural commodity contracts.

The previous week’s data are available here.

Contract Net position
Change on week
Corn 339,711 +1,149
Soybeans 147,335 +16,674
Soyoil 86,237 -2,139
Wheat – hard red winter 46,790 +3,877
Soymeal 35,923 -16,391
Wheat – soft red winter 26,586 +11,039
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Live cattle 25,628 -4,321
Lean hogs 10,563 -10,045
Feeder cattle -6,734 -3,814
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Contract Net position
Change on week
Sugar 181,850 +23,015
Cotton 67,686 -3,041
Coffee (arabica) 29,054 +9,755
Cocoa 1,230 -4,323
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short


Sector Net position
Change on week
Grains 682,582 +14,209
Softs 279,820 +25,406
Livestock 29,457 -18,180
Total 991,859 +21,435
Source: CFTC. Data in contracts, futures and options combined. Net position = gross long-gross short